I am Because We are.
We are because I am.
 We are One.

Our Passion 

Speaking, Training, Consulting, Coaching, Championing

Affordable Housing & Financial Literacy

Working with nonprofit community development staff in all areas from program development and implementation to streamlining systems and processes via technology to training Bootcamps to pass the HUD Housing Counseling Exam.


Working with start-up entrepreneurs in under-resourced communities and/or with the non-profit leaders who assist them, Everyone can learn an Entrepreneurial Mindset. Entrepreneurial Mindset is a way of thinking that enables you to overcome challenges. It is a constant need to improve your skills, learn from your mistakes, and take continuous action on your ideas. 

The education and coaching is based on the fundamentals shared in the inspiring real-life story of Clifton Taulbert and the lessons he learned from his Uncle Cleve – a black man in Jim Crow Mississippi – to explore eight life lessons from this unlikely entrepreneur. This program is designed to be a practicuum.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

Diversity counts who is seated at the table. Equity requires preliminary work to identify imbalances, loopholes, or unequal starting places.

 Inclusion is about participation which occurs when diverse populations are involved in decision-making that impacts the policies and practices of the organization. Belonging is when intentional effort is made to ensure all communities feel welcomed. This happens when leadership wholeheartedly supports efforts of inclusion in their relationships, conversations, physical space, actions and written word. 

About UIL

Ubuntu Institute of Learning(UIL) was created as an agile nonprofit whose goal is to support under-invested communities by providing training, consulting services and technical assistance necessary for their long-term, financial sustainability. There are two avenues by which this mission is attained. UIL provides B2B services to support the missions of nonprofits and B-Corps in the community. UIL also provides training and technical assistance directly to members of the local under-invested community

Expert Teachers

Online Community

Flexible Curriculum



Don't hesitate to give us a call or just use the contact form below

235 East Broadway Ave, Suite 800Long Beach, CA 90802



Upcoming Event 










235 East Broadway Ave,
Suite 800Long Beach,
 CA 90802

We would love to hear from you

✉ hello@ubuntulearn.org

Designed by James Olalekan © 2024- Ubuntu Institute of Learning